Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years in prison for his role in the Capitol riot

 Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio has been jailed for 22 years for orchestrating the US Capitol riot, the longest sentence so far for a ringleader of the raid on the seat of American democracy. Tarrio was convicted of seditious conspiracy, a US Civil War-era charge, and other counts in May. He was not in Washington during the riot but helped organise the far-right group's involvement. More than 1,100 people have been arrested on Capitol riot charges.

Tarrio apologised to police and residents of Washington DC for his role in the 6 January 2021 riot, when supporters of then-US President Donald Trump stormed Congress as lawmakers certified Joe Biden's election victory. He acknowledged that he was not a political zealot and that inflicting harm or changing the results of the election was not his goal. Tarrio asked the judge for mercy and asked not to take his 40s from him.

Tarrio was national chairman of the Proud Boys, which were founded in New York City in 2016. They regarded themselves as Mr. Trump's foot soldiers and have often been involved in street clashes with far-left anti-fascist activists. His lawyer argued in court that his client was a "keyboard ninja" and "misguided patriot" who tended to "talk trash" but had no intention of overthrowing the government. However, US District Judge Timothy Kelly, a Trump nominee, noted that Tarrio had on many previous occasions expressed no remorse for his actions.

Tarrio was also found guilty in May of obstruction and conspiracy charges, civil disorder, and destruction of government property. Prosecutors had called his actions "a calculated act of terrorism," meriting a sentence of 33 years in prison. The defense wanted no more than 15 years.

Tarrio stood silently while the judge handed down the penalty. As he was led from court, he waved to his family in the public gallery and flashed a peace sign. His lawyers said he plans to appeal.


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